The 1st Place Tournament of the
2019 International Great Marlin Race is The Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament
The IGFA Great Marlin Race (IGMR), presented by , is a partnership between the IGFA and Dr. Barbara Block’s lab at Stanford University. The 2020 IGMR officially concludes on September 30, 2020. In total, over the past year, 10 tags reported a total of 11,448 miles of linear distance and logged 1,420 days of billfish migration and diving behavior. One tag, however, was responsible for 19% of the total linear distance. On
August 11, 2019, a tag co-sponsored by The Newport Game Fish Club and Kona Game Fishing Club-Taiyo was deployed on an estimated 140-pound blue marlin while fishing on the Marlin Magic II, captained by Capt. Marlin Parker, out of Kona, Hawaii. Two hundred and forty-four days later on April 11, 2020, the tag surfaced and began reporting data. This blue marlin traveled an impressive linear distance of 2,181 nautical miles (nm) and had a total estimated track of 10,751 nm. The marlin took an impressive route as it traveled to the east while zigzagging north and south, crossing the equator five times before popping up in the southern hemisphere.